Monday, August 10, 2009

Michael Vick

Can I just say that I'm really, really tired of hearing about Mike Vick? REALLLLLLLLLY tired.

I'm mostly tired of the douches being like, "he must show that he's really and truly changed, and is a reformed and better person..."

Reallllly. I forgot that to play in the NFL, you must be a model citizen. For years, the NFL has prided itself on letting only quality individuals (and never sick, twisted motherfuckers) play in the League. GODDDDDDDDDD forbid that Mike Vick not show complete and utter contrition for his behavior. Especially because there are guys in the NFL who have killed ACTUAL PEOPLE. One is playing DE at this very moment for the St. Louis Rams. I know we all love our dogs, me being a huge dog lover, and can't possibly imagine someone killing a dog but lets be honest here. Can we take a step back from this hoopla drama BS and just see this for what it is? The guy spent 20 some months imprisoned for this already. IN JAIL. Think about what thats really like for a few minutes.

The point is, it doesn't take an exceptionally quality individual to play in the NFL. I'm aware that playing in the League is a privledge, not a right. As it should be. That said, a man should be able to make a living. Just not neccessarily playing football, since that is a privledge and all. But shutting him out of the game at this point is just downright hypocritical, considering the model citizens that have occupied the sport since it's inception. It takes a crazy dude sometimes to play a crazy, violent sport.

So at this point, if a team wants to sign him, can we please leave the signs stating what a horrible person he is at home? We already know. Get over it, and go back to thinking that all the guys on your team are model citizens.

(I dont even like Michael Vick, just to be clear. This is more of an outcry to some of the idiots on sports talk radio, websites like PFT, and ESPN)

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