Saturday, October 10, 2009

Relative Lack of Excitement

It has occured to me that there has been, well, a lull around here lately. In my life, really. I think that I've been training, lifting, and am just in the groove. The beginning new car smell has worn off and I'm just in the grind of this thing.

My ankle has plateaued a bit, so I'll be visiting a physical therapist as I mentioned, provided I can afford it. Let's hear it for credit cards...

Eating, Gym, Eating, Schoolwork, Eating, Gym...

I invite you to hang in there with me as I progress.

I still want nothing else than to play college football. I realize that might not come across in every post since, on a daily basis, I'm pretty much a goofy idiot. But let it be known that I'm working my ass off.

Goin to the gym now...I've got goals...

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