Thursday, September 10, 2009

Walk-On Update, Work Update

So I'm waiting on a call/email from Coach VanDerzee after we spoke on Monday. He said that he MIGHT have an opening in the football program in the recruiting department. Keep your fingers crossed; he said he would get back to me by today or tomorrow.

If that were the case it would give me an opportunity to learn the game even further. Those who know me might mention that I'm already obsessed enough, and know enough about the game, especially from an X's and O's standpoint, but those who really know the game would tell you that by comparison to them, I don't know shit. This would be accurate. I have a long way to go.

That said, I'm not trying to say that I'm just going to try and work with the team. The whole point is to MAKE the team. This is a stepping stone along the way. Hopefully.

Lifting, Injury, Life, etc updates tomorrow.


  1. "those who really know the game would tell you that by comparison to them, I don't know shit."

    Those people mainly being guys like Chim. haha

  2. Just to let you know, VanDerzee or someone else in football dept. will find out about this blog and that will keep you from walking on and/or getting a job in the recruiting office. Have experience working with SU football and know of another former student employee that had to get rid of their blog. Don't wanna risk losing any inside info through a kid's blog is the general idea from their side.
