Friday, September 11, 2009

Injury Update / Workout Update 9/11/2009

OK brave and clearly bored souls reading, here is the update regarding my health and how working out is going. It's a good thing that things are going well, because college is not. I'm not very bright. School is hard. The S.I. Newhouse School of Communications needs to lighten up their course load and leave me more time to enjoy NFL Network programming and otherwise BS about sports with my friends. But I digress...

My weight is at 168. The goal is 190 by the tryout at this time next year. I've been working my ass off at the gym doing everything that's possible without using your legs too much. I'll post the workout I'm doing now in a couple days.

In one month I'll be actually doing stuff with my legs in the weight room, and am planning on jogging by November or December, depending on how I feel.

Right now walking is still a pain in the ass. It hurts considerably when it tires out, since I've been walking all over the goddamn Syracuse globe. I figure once those muscles are built back up, I'll be much better off, but it's a long way to go.

To be clear, this is supposed to be the first week I walk. I'm supposed to start jogging in February. I'm sorta speeding up the timetable. Gotta behave like a warrior to be a warrior. I'm not being stupid though and pushing it too hard that I'll re-injure myself, but I'm doing just hard enough. Walking that line.

More updates in the next couple days so stay tuned. Maybe I'll fall down and injure myself again, who knows? You can't gameplan for an crazy idiot, you just can't....

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