Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last Workout Before Tryouts: Done

So that's it. It's all over. Nothing to do now but sit around and wait until tryouts on Monday.

7 months of work, and there's nothing I can really do to change anything at this point, and it's strange. I began to plan my day tomorrow a couple different times, and had to stop myself. Kinda funny that it's turned into a bit of a compulsion...not that compulsions are funny in general, just this one...

I hope I'm on the cusp of something great. I know how corny it sounds, but I do believe in miracles.

So it's 1 a.m. and I'm sitting around not going out again all weekend so I'm well rested and stuff. I'll have some more today before tryouts, I'm sure, but right now it's just strange that I'm at this point- you kind of daydream about what it's going to be like down the line when you're doing this, and what you're going to be thinking about, and it wasn't like this...I don't really know what it was like, but it wasn't like this. I guess I kind of figured I would turn into some sort of beast throughout this and be a machine of sorts, and I don't know, I still just sorta feel like me. Beastlier maybe...but just like me.

Not that this is bad...I'm definitely ready to go, although I think I always find problems and holes in what I've done. I'm rambling. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'm doing the post-game show for the SU Lacrosse game on WAER as well as an NFL Draft special at 7 as well. Tune in for more coherent, organized ramblings.

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