Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just tried out the ankle with cleats...

Strapped on cleats for the first time since the old snap crackle pop occurred. Truth be told, I was sort of expecting everything to just be completely fine, and I guess to some extent it was.

I ran some routes at like 70% speed and it definitely hurt, and definitely still felt weak. I was really disappointed, but I dunno...I guess this is to be expected. I don't know. I basically feel like s--t about the whole thing.

So, (and I know Josh will get a kick out of this) I'll be trying it again tomorrow. Because I'm an idiot. And because I dunno, maybe I just need to be more warmed up first. I mean I warmed up, but maybe...not enough. Maybe I just...maybe the ground was too hard. I'm sure I'm fine. Yes, I am totally fine.

So things are good. I'll update you all tomorrow on how it goes, most likely from the ER.

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