So I'm working out like a crazy person, doin work at Syracuse Football, and even eating healthy. I seemingly have forgotten to write anything in the past, well, while.
Let me assure you, I've been living the life. Oh yes, living the sweet life in the lap of luxury.
A few things:
I'll post this weeks workout numbers in a day or two (for the 2 of you out there who give a rats ass). Also, I can't talk about Syracuse Football anymore. It's really a conflict of interest and just not the right thing to do. Regardless if I say nothing that have learned from being inside the program, it's just not the right thing to do. My view is painted.
That said, I'll still be covering random ideas and observations from the NFL. Week 2 observations to come tomorrow! Come back and read them, they will be unique I can guarantee you that.
I'll also obviously still be chronicling my journey to the bottom of the Syracuse Football Roster (if I'm lucky). So in the next few days:
1. Diet update (I'm an eating machine, how to consume more than 5K calories a day)
2. Workout update
3. NFL Week 2 random thoughts
4. Class/school updates
5. Injury Update
If there is anything YOU the reader (singular, there is only one reader) would like to read about, hear about, know about, or anything at all that you think would be a good idea for content email me at rjdoyal@syr.edu and lets talk. Your ideas are clearly better than mine. They have to be. Good god, they have to be.
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