Monday, November 2, 2009

Progress Report

So while I spend most of my time on here calling myself varying forms of an idiot, I take this little quest of mine extremely seriously. As in, it's basically taken over my life at this point.

I spend my time in the gym, eating reasonably healthy food (the equivalent of going on a calorie count for Shawn Andrews), and thinking about ways that I can get closer to my goal.

One way that I think is a good gauge of how hard I'm working is my progress in the weight room. I've sort of hit a plateau at around 176-178 in terms of my weight right now-hopefully that will change, but I've had some pretty solid gains in terms of lifting.

Chest / Tricep / Front Shoulders workout

Assuming all of these are 3 sets of 8 reps- Bold is new weight

Flat bench 135 lbs --up to 165 lbs
Incline bench 115 lbs--up to 155 lbs
Incline dumbell 55 lb dumbells--up to 60 lb dumbells
Cable fly 75 lbs-- up to 95 lbs
Military Press 40 lbs --up to 50 lbs
Skull crushers- 50 lbs-- up to 65 lbs
Dips - 4x8-- up to 13-15 per set
Tricep Push Downs- 120 lbs-- up to 150 lbs
Scaption (straight arm raise) 20 lbs-- up to 30 lbs
Elbow raises 20 lbs-- up to 30 lbs

Back / Bicep

Lat Pull Downs 105 lbs-- up to 120 lbs
Seated Back Rows 150 lbs-- up to 170 lbs
Bent over rows 50 lbs-- up to 60 lbs
Dumbbell Shrugs 65 lb dumbells- Same
Close grip pull down 105 lbs-- up to 120 lbs
Preacher Curls 75 lbs -- up to 105 lbs
Dumbbell Curls 30 lbs dumbells-- up to 40 lbs
Forearm Curls 45 lb bar-- up to 85 lbs
Isolation Curls- 30 lb dumbells-- up to 40 lbs
Hammer Curls 35 lb dumbells-- Same

So I'm happy with my progress. I've started doing legs and really getting into rehabbing this limb of mine. I'll keep on the grind, you keep coming to read.

Thanks to everyone who has been cheering me on along the way. Love you guys. We're gonna do this thing.

1 comment:

  1. Git-r-dun. I'm in the last week of the season right now, and my body's so broken down that just thinking about lifting makes my joints creak.
