Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Picture, Updates Soon, I suck I know

As you can see, I added a new picture there on the right to replace the generic SU football helmet. That comes courtesy of Ann Sullivan, a photography major at SU who did a project on me and afterward gave me 300 some odd pictures she took for her project. I think it's pretty cool.

Updates to come soon, I've been slacking big time on site updates but not on the actual goal, where I've been busting my ass, as always.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dress up parties...really, why?

A tool of the devil...well no, mostly just something so girls can dress up and feel pretty. Honestly, I'm uncomfortable and awkward before I've even left my house. Haven't even talked to a damn person yet and I'm uncomfortable.

I'm sure there are pretty boys out there who enjoy this sort of thing, but I gotta voice my displeasure here. And I know, you're saying, well stop whining, just DON'T GO. Well you know what smart ass, I promised a friend I would go with him. So now I'm stuck. Now I gotta go. To a dressy ass party with a dude. GONNA BE A GOOD NIGHT!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back in Saddle Again

A lot going on!

- Started classes this week- taking 17 credits this semester, with some pretty hard classes to boot. Should be my worst semester thus far in terms of workload in college. I'm now a senior though (albeit a 24 year old one, I started school at 21) and there isn't much more to go.

- Started training again. After 9 full days off, I got back on the horse today at the gym. I benched the most that I've ever done and generally felt absolutely incredible- haven't felt that good at the gym in a long, long time. My body needed the rest, and my back was reasonable. I concentrated the entire time on having good form during exercises which could mess with my back and afterward, I iced my back and ankle for 20 minutes. So far, so good, I'm sore back there, but nothing horrible. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, and how this thing progresses. Tomorrow is leg/back/etc day so that's the real killer. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

- I'm going to start really concentrating on getting my ankle and legs right in terms of conditioning. It's time to start being in ridiculous shape on the lower half of my body now that my strength is up- I have to be able to at least outwork the other people trying out.

More updates to come soon now that things are rolling. More and more people have been coming, and I'm appreciative of all the people taking an interest in my crazy journey. Thanks for coming, as always, and keep coming back for more awfulness!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Injury Update

So my back is getting a little better. I've taken now a full week off from the gym, by far the longest period since I started in September. My body seems to really appreciate it, actually, so I'm hoping this back problem turns into a good thing, but getting some much-needed rest.

I've been going into physical therapy with the whiz therapist herself Colleen O'hara, and coming along pretty decently. Still is pretty painful, though. I slightly under stated the intensity of the pain in the last post about my back, it's been keeping me awake at night, waking me up in the middle of the night, and putting me in agony throughout the day. I couldn't even tie my shoes, but continued to ignore it. It's slightly alleviated, but still pretty f**ked up.

I'm taking a few more days off, then getting back on the grind with much-improved form and less weight on some lifts- gonna have to take it a bit slower than I was. Truth be told I was flying up on weight more than I should have been; I was a bit overzealous. Am a bit overzealous. But going to control it now.

I'm headed to Notre Dame on Monday to give a report for 88.3 WAER in Syracuse on the Notre Dame vs. Syracuse basketball game. Break is just about over and back on the grind come Monday.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Cell Phone Companies Have Some Freakin' Racket Going

They really do. They lock you into a two year contract, right. Then, they give you a phone. Now, if this phone breaks any time after the 90 day or whatever period where there is a warranty, even if it is completely not your fault and a total mechanical error, you're pretty much s--t out of luck. Unless, of PAY for the insurance, to insure a phone which should work throughout the contract that they make you abide by.

I figure as long as you're abiding by the contract by paying your bill every month, you should be able to USE the service that you have PAID FOR. Provided, of course, that you did not break the phone due to something that you have done to it. A strict mechanical error should result in them replacing your phone, without any damn insurance number 1 and without paying a 50$ deductible if you have paid for the insurance the whole time. If cell phone companies were a person, I'd probably punch 'em in the face. And I'm not a real rowdy guy either with the punching and all.

What a damn racket. It's ridiculous. It's no way to to do business and is a total rip off. I figure with all the competition right now, some company has to change this to bring in some new customers, because right now they all must have some damn pact to leave it as-is. Verizon Wireless is an evil empire. If this were a Seinfeld episode, I would protest outside some mythical Verizon building with Kramer, a la the Post Office protest episode.

Tendinitis...I hardly knew her

Just got home from a physical therapy appt with good old Colleen O'Hara of the Rothman Institute in King of Prussia, PA. I've had some back problems, apparently from horrific posture coupled with horrific form while squatting and doing dead lifts, in addition to the good old ankle issues I've come to know and love over the past 6+ months.

Some good and bad news. The good news is that my ankle has excellent range of motion, meaning it moves each way pretty well. The bad news is that I have some tendinitis going up the bottom of my foot, Achilles, and up the side of my leg. No big deal, I have some exercises that I can do to combat it, so it shouldn't be the end of the world.

Same with the back- working on a few things, and I should be pretty good, pretty soon, hopefully. It's good to be back in there and say hello to everyone where I used to work, I even saw a patient that I used to hang out with all the time who is a history teacher at a local high school. I told him he inspired me to be a History minor, and he told me I should be a teacher, then proceeded to laugh his ass off.

Times at NFL Films have been interesting, as always. This has been a lot cooler than a lot of days over the summer, because since we're in the thick of football season, a lot of live TV is being made on the go and I'm lucky to be a part of it. Pretty neat the way everything works, and how smoothly it's set up.